Who we are

We are an association of volunteers who sincerely love animals. In our spare time, we save, treat, device and do everything to find families for stray animals!

«If the soul is the ability to love, be loyal, and be grateful, then animals possess it to a greater extent than many humans.» (James Herriot)

A little about us

Animal shelter is not an option. We want every animal to have a home and a family.

How we help animals

We don't have an animal shelter, we can't help everyone. Our wards are at home, as well as in private shelters. We provide them with financial support, life, nutrition and care.

1. We take it from the street

Приют для животных
Приют для животных

2. Cleanse from parasites

We vaccinate and treat against parasites. If necessary, we turn to the services of the groomer.

We provide medical care. We finance the purchase of medicines and payment for the services of veterinary clinics.

3. We provide their treatment

Приют для животных
Приют для животных

4. We make advertising to animals

Advertising is carried out on Facebook, Instagram and OLX. This is necessary to show the ward to a wider audience.

We teach you to walk in the yard, and to the leash. If you need to resort to the services of a dog handler or a psychologist.

5. We socialize animals

Приют для животных
Приют для животных

6. We give them families

We carry out a thorough selection of those who want to take in the family. We take it to a new house. We provide support during the period of advocacy.

Our Telegram channel

To place a pet on our resources you need submit an application (with a photo and description of the pet) through this Telegram channel! Press on the button or scan QR the code.

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whatsapp image 2019 08 31 at 19.16.34
Final Report for August 2019 Fruits ✅ Happy https://www.facebook.com/1886638084954933/posts/2415112205440849/✅ Phoebe https://www.facebook.com/1886638084954933/posts/2432088293743240/✅ Https://www.facebook.com/1886638084954933/posts/2433764186908984/✅ Oddie https://www.facebook.com/1886638084954933/posts/2417994428485960/✅ Эммиhttps://www.facebook.com/1886638084954933/posts/2416380031980733/ ...

In this section, our wards that have already found their family!

In this section, the happy stories of our wards

Us in Facebook

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Приют для животных

Small Brothers

How to place an animal on our resources

Accommodation of animals on our Facebook page is free of charge. If you want to significantly expand the audience of your wards, this requires advertising. What you need to do is click on «HOW IT WORKS»

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