We were visiting today.
Mukhtar vesunchik, he was sheltered by excellent, responsible guys who were not afraid of difficulties. Thank you very much. ❤🐕 It's not as smooth as I'd like.
Now in Fly:
➡️ There is still cystitis.
re-tested urine. Another week of antibiotic therapy
➡️ Prostatitis may be possible from the analysis. The other day there will be a prostate
➡️ Versily … against the background of weakened immunity #8217;a surprise appeared … these are still antifneal drugs
➡️ we observe the foot. In mid-December, repeated X-rays
➡️ end of December — beginning of January re-operation
Despite this, Mukha is satisfied and happy. Perfectly mastered in residential conditions. He is already guarding the area. I didn't want to let us visit. ❤😘🐕
If anyone wants to help Mukhtar go from phone to our channel in viber, tell you how to do it, click on the icon:
We believe in the fly everything will be fine!
The rescue of Mukhtar or the story of a man without a home with a shepherd dog.
I've been thinking about this story for a week or not. But while helping to — quiet, others made a fuss, having nothing to do with this situation.
Now I am concerned about the fate of the dog and the unnecessary show during its treatment …. After all, Vasily can escape, lacking a dog …. I hope Oksana will be a decent person … time will tell
The story is as follows:
About a week ago, Nadiya, the concierge of my house, called. She said she met a man with an injured sheepdog.
The concierge, knowing that she was helping homeless animals, decided to talk about the problem, in the hope that I could financially help in the treatment of the dog.
On the same evening, returning with his wife from work, I saw my husband near the trash. The case was later. Next to him were three dogs and one of them was a sheepdog.
I said, Tanya, I think this is the dog 🐶 that needs help. «I decided to talk to this man.
Vasily Nikolaevich, so introduced himself as a man, told the story of his life and Mukhtar.
He said that a week ago Mukhtar was hit by a taxi driver and rushed in an unknown direction. Vasily Nikolaevich has already gone with Mukh to the hospital, so affectionately he calls Mukhtar, he was offered surgery, but it costs 5,000 HRYVNIA, and he has only 2000.
We talked for a long time, he told about his life, how he ended up on the street, where he lives and much more. ….
After talking to my wife, we decided to help. We were touched to the core by the fact that a person living alone on the street, who earns a living from various part-time jobs, collecting and handing over garbage, cares so much about his friend !!!
At the same time, we meet a lot of quite wealthy people who refuse to treat their pets and throw them in trouble.
Not to mention those tails that live on the street in our cities and villages throughout Ukraine.
The next day I loaded Vasyl Mykolayovych and Mukhtar into the car, took them to hospitals.
X-rays were performed at the Kalmykov clinic. The dog has a fracture.
On Sunday, the operation was performed in the veterinary clinic Company in Troyeschina. Vasyl Mykolayovych wanted to participate financially, giving 2300 UAH, although I refused. I paid the last one.
Having bought medicine, the fly visited the stern every day and thought about what to do next. ….
The other day I went to see where Vasily Nikolaevich lives, at the same time took him to Mukha in the hospital. … Place of residence-hut, or rather a huge booth …..
Mukhtar is waiting for a long treatment!
You need to lie for another month in heat, move less. After another operation — remove the plate.
I introduced in frost a man in a hut and Mukhtar with a plate in his paw ….
The dog wanted better conditions, but Vasily Nikolaevich loves his friend and fly him too …..
I asked Vassil to find a job in a shelter. Animals love, a roof over his head and money at least some, but he refused. Answered can be severe frosts for month 3, and so do not want ….
Regarding his family and the real reasons why he is on the street.
It's hard for me to judge, I have to figure it out. The man on the street, that's a fact. Most likely it is his choice. He doesn't seem to drink or get dirty. Is all the truth that he says not sure (the addict's daughter kicked him out of the house.
Do you need Moussa's help? Course!
After all, the dog is young, only 3 years old, and all paws are interrupted not to rest❗
The fly's paws crookedly fused.
I have a lot of questions about this story. ❗In the base of the lost dogs, The Fly was not found.
Due to the hype raised on the Internet by Oksana, we decided not to post our card. I think good things need to be done in silence. If anyone wants to help Mukhtar go from phone to our channel in viber, ask what you need and we will tell you how to do it, follow the link by clicking on this icon:
Financial report:
With respect to you and with the hope that thanks to this story the world will be better, Vitaly Tim!
Tel. 066 341 41 54 Vitaliy
P.S. What you sow and reap
«For creation awaits’ …» Romans 8-19
Video - Photo of Mukhtar
Fly preoperatively
Fly postoperatively